Editorial Team


M. Kurbonov

Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, National University of Uzbekistan 



J. Usarov

Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Chirchik State Pedagogical University

G. Karlibayeva

Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute

H. Jurayev

Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Bukhara State University

A. Madaliev

Professor, Doctor of Economics, Tashkent State Agrarian University

Y. Maxmudov

Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Termez State University

Sh. Sodikova

Doctor of Philosophy (Phd) in Pedagogical Sciences, National University of Uzbekistan

Sh. Pazilova

Doctor of Philosophy (Phd) in Pedagogical Sciences, Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan

E. Xujanov

Doctor of Philosophy (Phd) in Pedagogical Sciences, Tashkent State Pedagogical University

H. Qurbanov

Doctor of Philosophy (Phd) in Pedagogical Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University

U. Rashidova

Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy (Phd) in Philological Sciences, Samarkand State University

M. Fayzullaev

Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy (Phd) Geographical Sciences, Karshi State University

Z. Koryogdiev

Doctor of Philosophy (Phd) in Historical Sciences, Bukhara State University

S. Nazarova

Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy (Phd) in Agricultural Sciences, Bukhara State University

F. Khazratov

Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy (Phd) in Pedagogical Sciences, Bukhara State University

M. Mansurova

Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University